LAP Cohort 3 (May-july-2022)
LAP Cohort 3 (May-july-2022)
LAP Cohort 3 (May-july-2022)
Session 18: A Missional Church Category: Cohort 3 (May- July 2022) Speaker: Rev Justus Mugambi
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LAP Cohort 3 (May-july-2022)
Session 17: Reaching Youth and Children Unlisted Category: Cohort 3 (May- July 2022) Speaker: Ezekiel Baraza & Pastor Lucy Mollah
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LAP Cohort 3 (May-july-2022)
Session 16: Eschatology Category: Cohort 3 (May- July 2022) Speaker: Rev Gordon Odira
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LAP Cohort 3 (May-july-2022)
Session 15: Christianity and African Traditions Category: Cohort 3 (May- July 2022) Speaker: Dr. Florence Ambayo
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LAP Cohort 3 (May-july-2022)
Session 14: Christianity and African Traditions Category: Cohort 3 (May- July 2022) Speaker: Elder John Ng’ang’a
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LAP Cohort 3 (May-july-2022)
Session 13: Emotional Intelligence Category: Cohort 3 (May- July 2022) Speaker:Prof. Margaret Muthwii
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LAP Cohort 3 (May-july-2022)
Session 12: Strategic Planning and Budgeting Category: Cohort 3 (May- July 2022) Speaker:Deacon Michael Wamache
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LAP Cohort 3 (May-july-2022)
Session 11: Homiletics Category: Cohort 3 (May- July 2022) Speaker: Rev Dr Isaac Kibuthu
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LAP Cohort 3 (May-july-2022)
Session 10: False Teaching – Cults and Occults Category: Cohort 3 (May- July 2022) Speaker: Bishop Calisto Odede
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LAP Cohort 3 (May-july-2022)
Session 9: Small group Dynamics and Conflict Resolution Category: Cohort 3 (May- July 2022) Speaker: Elder Musa Obuba
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